This is Parkwood Estates in Oshawa, Ontario. It was the home and garden of Samuel McLaughlin, who was the founder of General Motors, Canada. It is now an historic sight as the house interior was intact with furnishings in place. At this time of year, the colourful formal beds are gone and what remains are the structural elements such as statues, trelliswork, pathways and gates. The canopy of trees and shrubs becomes evident and the landscape starts its transition to the narrow palette of colours of winter.
Parkwood is one of the great gardens within our own backyard in the horseshoe area. Most of it was designed by H.B. and L.A. Dunington-Grubb. They were the founding architects of Sheridan Nurseries. The gardens have been restored to the 1930's style that was its zenith.
There are quite a few gardens on the grounds. More to show another time...