A Garden Show in Niagara
I went to the Niagara College Greenhouse 'Student Open House' last Friday. This was the day before they presented the open house so I got the preview and got to meet the students.
Everyone was running around, getting things ready, and they were all having a good time of it. The students took time out from organizing the displays to show me their work and explain the compositions and plants. It is encouraging and delightful to see a new generation of workers who are engaged and enjoying their work.
They had displays showcasing recycling of materials, as in the humorous use of tires with grass. There were tiny space gardens and vertical displays. The horticultural program teaches the latest techniques so the hydroponic lettuces were as interesting looking as they were delicious looking.
It was so enjoyable to see this kind of garden show compared to Canada Blooms this year. It is small, creative, personal and alive.
More on Canada Blooms tomorrow.