Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Searching for Facts...

From I found these items:

If we lose 10 kg (22 lbs) of fat, 8.4 kg (18.5 lbs) turns into carbon dioxide which is exhaled when we breathe out, while 1.6 kg (3.5lbs) turns into water that is excreted through urine, tears and sweat. – Source

There is a 30-foot tree trunk known as the “Old Man of the Lake” that has been floating vertically in Oregon’s Crater Lake for nearly 120 years. In 1938, they tracked the tree trunk’s movement and discovered that it had traveled a total distance of over 60 miles in just under 3 months. – Source

In MAY 1997, an IBM supercomputer known as Deep Blue beat then chess world champion Garry Kasparov, who had once bragged he would never lose to a machine. After 15 years, it was discovered that the critical move made by Deep Blue was due to a bug in its software. – Source

There are some strange and weird facts there, and I guess that's what makes them popular.



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