We can all think of a few famous historical figures with beards, What is a beard? Little did I know that it is a 'collection' of hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of humans and some non-human animals.
What I wondered about is the driver for the popularity of male beards. Were these famous men with the trend at the time or against it? Beard popularity has waxed and waned a few times in my own lifetime.
So beards have been linked with notions of masculinity and male courage, and cultures have mandated it or on the opposite side, considered it uncivilized. It comes and goes.
Trends have swayed back and forth over the centuries. In modern times, there have been prohibitions of beards - in jobs where breathing masks are required - airline pilots, firefighters, etc.
And sports has some traditions that are interesting. The Playoff beard is a tradition common with teams in the NHL.
The story of beards os extensive and one can read it in the book "Of Beards and Men" by Christopher Oldstone-Moore. The link provides a summary of the book.
Today we look at two more barns in the St. Catharines area, and the last picture is an abandoned house on Sann Road at the Lake, which is clearly about to become a mansion near the lake.
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