Friday, October 6, 2017

Waifs and Strays Society

I saw a shadow on the wall and the shape made me think of a 'waif' - a child with dishevelled hair, big wide-open eyes and a heart-shaped chin. In the 1800's, homeless people and children were known as 'waifs and strays' - the definition has a few possibilities:
1. a person, especially a child, who has no home or friends.
2. something found, especially a stray animal, whose owner is not known.
3. a very thin, often small person, usually a young woman.
4. a stray item or article: to gather waifs of gossip.
5. Nautical. waft.

It likely is the Miserables poster that made the look so familiar.  And also Annie.  The start of waif look in modelling can be attributed to Twiggy in the 1960's. "Twiggy’s large doe eyes, long mascara-coated lashes and waif-like frame defined the era.  Her leggy androgynous look became the ideal mannequin for mod fashion and is still referenced today on the runway and in editorials."

So one might expect to see techniques for creating 'those huge eyes'.  Of course, Google has an answer for that question.  There are a few answers - varying between 8 and 11 ways to make your eyes look bigger.

Here's how.
  1. Define your brows. ... 
  2. Add dimension to your crease. ... 
  3. Add shimmer at the inner corner of the eye. ... 
  4. Use light, neutral colors on the lid. ... 
  5. Line the inner rim of the lower lid with a flesh-toned pencil. ... 
  6. Apply mascara to lower lashes. ... 
  7. Curl your eyelashes. ... 
  8. Apply mascara to top lashes.
  9. Apply false eyelashes

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