Friday, December 22, 2017

A Christmas Surprise Like No Other

Christmas has a tradition of surprise gifts.  The puppy under the Christmas tree is one of the famous stories that I remember - here's the sense of the intention:

"There is a special magic in the air as everyone rushes around trying to find the best Christmas gifts to surprise their loved ones with. One of my favorite parts of the season is baking treats and making cards to show our friends how special they are to us. We also love receiving Christmas surprises and treats as they show up at our doorstep from friends and neighbours!"

There's a thud on the internet - there are no postings on 'christmas surprise gifts'. What was I thinking of?  The search is 'weirdest Christmas gifts'.  Surprises aren't good enough anymore.  So here they are from for 2017.  There are far too many to list here so it is definitely worth a visit.

A Christmas tree costume - a short version for easy maneuvering

A pillow hat - yes it is a pillow on the back of a hat - plain white

A Rudolph mankini - yes that's a Red-nosed reindeer bikini that fits over the shoulders  - with the nose you know where

Upside-down Christmas Tree - it's on a stand so no problem having to hang it from the ceiling - hark back to the Middle Ages

Inflatable humping reindeer - what to say - would you put that out front? And then when the town representatives come around to judge your front lights for the contest...

Weed earrings - a baggy hanging from pierced ears, so you can make some brownies

Toilet Donald - well that would be Catalonian wouldn't it - the Pooping President in a Manger - give him the traditional red cap to finish it off

Zappa costume and box set - save this one for Halloween

Trump toaster and impeach jam - the Trump toaster burns the face of The Donald on one side of the bread with "You're Fired!" on the other.  The website sells "Impeach Jam".

Praying Mantis Angel - well looks alien and about to explode everything

Here's our Christmas Greeting - this is one of Floyd Elzinga's wall sculptures.

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