he oddest prime number is the number two. It is the smallest and first prime number and the only even prime number. There is a real word "twoth." When I typed in the subject line, I understood completely why we don't say oneth and twoth.
Considering the number two, there are many variations of jokes and references:
Two cats called ‘1,2,3’ & ‘un,deux,trois’ had a swimming race across the channel. 1,2,3 cat won because un, deux, trois cat sank!
Q. What is the explanation of this puzzle: 2 + 2 = Fish, 3 + 3 = 8, 7 + 7 = Triangle?
A. X (Normal) + X (Mirror Image) = Answer So 2 + Mirror Image of 2 will look like a fish, 3 + Mirror Image of 3 will look like a 8, 7 + Mirror Image of 7 will look like a Triangle
How did 2+2=5 come about? 2+2=5 comes from the book "1984", where the Government had so deeply trained society to instantly, without thought, accept any official statement as true and instantly erase the past (2+2=4). Harkens to the Marxist belief that the State is the ultimate truth and individuals with an alternate "truth" are dissidents. Some employers and leaders also fall into this belief that reality is nothing but paradigms despite empiric facts offered by "not a team player" people. 2 + 2 = 5 because that is the party line.
Our pictures come from December archives - our first picture was taken last year at this time in Charles Daley Park. There will be more Poinsettia pictures to come as we look forward to beautiful Poinsettia displays in our public greenhouses.
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