Monday, January 29, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon Ahead

Isn't it a Super Blue Blood Moon solar eclipse this month?  What a headline - go to and it shows an animation of the moon's path through the shadow of the earth.  It gives all the information on how to see it.

Here's the definition:

"A Blue Moon is when two full moons happen in the same calendar month; lunar eclipses occur when the moon passes into Earth's shadow; and supermoons happen when the moon's perigee — its closest approach to Earth in a single orbit — coincides with a full moon. In this case, the supermoon also happens to be the day of the lunar eclipse".

The best places to see the "Super Blue Blood Moon" are Alaska, the Hawaiian islands and the western part of North America.  It will take place in the early morning of January 31st between 4:51 and 6:08 PST.  

In parts of the world the eclipse will happen at Moon Rise and for others at Moon Set.  For us in the east it will begin at 5:51am and at 6:48am the darker part of the Earth's shadow will begin to "blanket" the moon and create the blood-red tint.  The instructions are to get to a high place and make sure you have a clear line of sight to the horizon in the west-northwest.  Opposite from where the sun will rise.

Today we're looking at some motion blur pictures, taken on our drive down to Longwood.

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